Things are finnnnally starting to come together in my classroom! I feel like I have been working on it for absolutely ever but I think you will be pleased with the projects and my Made It Monday Its will have to share this week! Stay tuned….
Mercedes of at Surfing to Success has reached 100 followers and is giving away some pretty great stuff, including two gift cards!! Get your bootys over the and enter!!!
I also decided that in honor of her giveaway and Back to School right around the corner I would throw a giveaway of my own and give you another chance to win my Back to School Giganti-Pack (love love love this and I know you will too) and my Complete Classroom Jobs Pack! There are only three things you need to do, follow me, follow my TPT store and leave me a blogpost comment!
Good luck!
Thanks for the mention and for being part of the give away!
I'm looking forward to getting new kiddos! I looped last year and I can't wait to see new faces!
Mercedes- absolutely! Happy to do it!
Deniece- we also used to be a looping school but stopped last year. I think it will be nice to become an expert at one grade level! But there is nothing like starting the year with a loop class. They already know everything and you learning can begin so much sooner!
I am most excited about getting to meet my new students and families!
Excited to be self contained and teach math and science again!
This is my first year teaching, so I'm just excited to be in my own classroom!
Meeting all my new teachers and students!
I'm looking forward to teaching a full day kindergarten class for the first time.
I am looking forward to decorating my room!
Thanks for letting me know I won the giveaway! Both items look FABULOUS!