So… I got my owl word wall put up the other day and just wasn’t loving it. It looks super duper cute on paper but once up on the wall it just wasn’t super visible. I updated my pack to contain 3 versions of the letter cards and I love the new set! Here is a preview for you.
If you already purchased this pack go download your updated version!
Yesterday, I went to a PBIS meting (Positive Behavior Interventions and Support). My to do list is about a mile long now. Last night I worked until about 8 and then I headed to a certain Office supply store to pick up my plan book that I made. I handed these people my plan book all put together and all they need to do was laminate the front, back and spiral bind the LEFT side. Well I went to pick it up and they spiral bound the top. Hmmmm well this won’t work because when you open it the pages are upside down. Okay round two. I got pick it up and they bound it so that my afternoon pages were in the morning. Okay I am pretty sure A.M. still comes before P.M. but I was still sweet as can be. 3rd time… lady says “3rd times a charm”. Then she brings the book over to me…. dum dum dum…. IT IS WRONG AGAIN!!!! I didn’t freak, but I tell ya I wanted to. I was starting to boil. I wanted to get home before Conner had to go to sleep. We read a stories and snuggle for like an hour every night and this certain Office place, not Office Max btw was holding me up from my favorite part of the day, grrrrr. So on time number 4 I decided that it would be best to walk them through this step by step and voila my simple project turned not so simple is done and I absolutely love it. Next year, however I think I will choose a place that has a copy and print department that knows how to copy and print.
Happy Friday all! We are watching my sisters two little ones this weekend. They are just so much fun together. So we will have two 2 years old and a 1 1/2 year old for the weekend. Wish us luck! We’ll need it!!!
What fun to babysit these little ones! They are so precious! Sorry to hear about your experience with the day book. You were so patient with them though! Love your word wall! It's spectacular!
Glad you like 🙂 They are a lot of fun… got all 3 napping now wooo too (can't believe). Have a great weekend!!