Very much enjoying my last weekend before heading (officially) back to work this week. I am actually super pumped and excited to get back. Strangely, I have these little excited butterflies in my tummy now and then when I think about how close the first day is getting. I think it is a lot of excitement mixed with a bit of nervousness and stress over all the things I still have left to do. I really just need to keep reminding myself that it is okay if I don’t get every single thing done. With my type A personality I feel like my to-do list absolutely positively must be completed. Again, my personality glitches have caused me to create a separate to-do list for these less pressing items that says “If time…” at the top. I know ridiculous….
Well time has slipped away from me this weekend but I don’t mind so much because I have been squeezing in a lot of love with these three little sweeties.
We have had so much fun together. There has been a lot of soccer, squirt gun fighting and the occasional brawl over the coolest car. Saturday we spent the day at the in-laws letting them run wild and wear one another out in the big back yard….
Silly little girl!
That’s Fred the Tortoise
Sure love this little girl!
Goodness, he sure is my whole world
Our little family!
Relaxin’ in the hammock
Not sure if I have mentioned this before but in the past I have been labeled as a terrible cook, terrible awful horrible, all of it. Well- in the past year or so I have sort of taught myself how to cook and how to cook things that are simple and suit my busy lifestyle.
Over the summer I gathered my favorite recipes and put them onto a template for 3M shipping size labels (3100-S) stickers. Most of the recipes I have collected from Pinterest. You can click here to see my Yummy Board.
As the new school year approaches I am hoping that these recipe cards full of recipes that I CAN do will help ease the burden of wondering and deciding what to have for dinner. We have a method that has worked very well for our family for a couple of months now. Every two weeks the hubs and I sit down together and pick out two weeks worth of dinners that sound good to us. Using those recipes I then make a grocery list and shop for those items. This way I am not running to the store every few days for something I forgot. You could also do this every month I just am not sure that if we did that we wouldn’t have changed our minds.
Just click the picture below to get over 70 recipes
We pick 12-14 dinner meals every two weeks to grocery shop for
I keep all of my recipes in this box and organize them
by sides, deserts, party dishes and dinners
I hope that you find this as helpful as I do!
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing your recipes!
Anything to help save time!! I just updated it because I was baking the easy Pumpkin Muffins tonight and realized I make a ton of spelling errors when I'm in a hurry. So it is fixed, in case you care about spelling errors 🙂