I am doing my best not to do any work over the next three days but I am sure you all know how that goes. My little one is napping now and I am taking “advantage” of the time by blogging.
Nap time yesterday consisted of getting a few charts ready for the first week.
A letter for the first day welcoming the kids and giving step by step directions for the morning. Pick a stick… a get to know you game from my Back to School Giganti-Pack. A bead glyph key. We will be making a bead glyph the first day to keep on our zipper pouch in our reading binder! Last but not least the Read to Self I-Chart for the very first day!
Here is the Pick A Stick get to know you activity that we will be doing the first day!
After teaching about Just Right books I am going to have kids choose books from our classroom library that first day. Of course, I can’t have all kids choosing books at once so while groups of kids are choosing books other kids will be completing a reading interest survey to tell me more about themselves as a reader!
You can grab your reading interest survey at my TPT store by clicking either picture below…
What a great freebie! Good luck on your first day! The weather is going to be so nice during my first week, getting lots done may be difficult for us!
Chickadee Jubilee