I wondered for a while why I just could not find the energy to blog about everything we are doing at school. I mean I always think this is seriously cute, or this is amazing, wow my kids are really getting this I have to remember to share!! Well, for one I can’t seem to remember to take pictures. I am barely making it through the day getting every little thing done that I had scheduled to do. When I walk those last little sweeties to the bus I was practically falling asleep at my desk. When I got home there was no way I was thinking about turning on the computer… no sirrreeee!
I figured out just why my lids have felt so heavy lately!! Another baby Newport is on the way! We could not be more excited or feel more blessed. Conner is so happy that he is going to be a big brother, though he thinks that the baby is in his tummy too.
I am sure that you can imagine that my mind is nothin but baby, baby, baby now! It has been hard to find the inspiration to take pictures and to share. I promise we have been learning all sorts a’ stuff!
My kids are rocking multiplication… we are learning about Northwest Native Americans… they are paragraphing like little geniuses and their art is fantabulous!!
I’ll ease myself back into all this slowly… Multiplication
Each time we teach a “trick” we talk about how skip counting can help. We also learn a song to go help us skip count. Musical Array-ngements is great! If you haven’t heard these songs you must take a listen. Click the picture to take you to the link. I couldn’t find any samples online so if I find the energy (ha-ha) I might have to have my kids sing a number or two for ya to share!
Any-who after we learn the song we practice skip counting in our skip count book. We discuss patterns and what we notice. We then create flashcards for the trick. Kids have a set of flashcards for home and school. Each week they are tested and they add to their cards. This is going so well- I just hope it STICKS!!
Andddd because I feel so guilty for leaving you all for so long here is a freebie! Hope you can use this skip counting book! Click here to get yours!
I have been looking everywhere for this program (Musical Array-ngements). Do you happen to know where I can buy it??? I cannot find it anywhere!
It wasn't out of print when I posted this but I can't find it anywhere now 🙁 Booooo
Can I send you the skip count book through email though? Hopefully it's something you can use!