Hellooooo out there…. anyone?? anyone at all?? I kid, I kid. I know you’re all still out there. It’s me that I am not sure about.
Summer has officially arrived and I am sure everyone is just as excited as I am. Boy, it is beyond nice to just go with the flow, march to the beat of our own drum and do whatever the heck we wanna do. Teachers have got it made! I feel so lucky and beyond blessed to have a job that I love and am inspired by and one that allows me to be a full time mom 3 months out of the year.
It is our first week into summer and Conner and I are enjoying every second. I have to admit while I have been bad, okay terrible about blogging I have been just as awful at taking pictures. You guys- this baby makes me crazy anxious. Now as teachers I am sure you can relate. If there is anything in our lives that is not in our complete and total control we are going to try to manipulate and control it in any way we can. Pregnancy is just not one of the those things and it makes me all sorts of nutso. I am finding it difficult to think about anything at all other than this sweet little girl coming out to enjoy the summer with us!
I cannot believe 36 weeks have gone by though and she will be here any day!
I am sure… Okay maybe I will find the time to blog after things settle in. I have been working on updating some of my TPT and am excited to share. Honestly who knows when that’s gonna happen but hey- I’m trying 😛
I hope you are all enjoying and soaking up every bit of this time with family and friends that you can. Lord knows we need it!!
First of all, congratulations! 🙂
Secondly, I wanted you to know that I nominated your blog for a Liebster Award. To find out more info, check out my blog: teachers-heart.blogspot.com