For the last few years I have done a classroom clip chart.
It has worked really well for me and I have been able to integrate with other
little incentives I am doing along the way.
You know, the ones that only work for a short amount of time,
but they do the trick when you are beyond ready for Christmas Break!!
It’s time to start something new and fresh this year though.
I have been thinking about switching over to Class DOJO for a while,
but have not had the time to sit down and really dive into it all.
If haven’t heard of it it’s basically an online behavior tracking and incentive system. kids earn points for positive behaviors and lose them for negatives.
So almost like a clip chart but the tracking is done for you and kids can see their data too and set goals. They can even create their own avatars and brag about what a fantastic day they had by showing mom and dad at home.
I searched blogs a little and found a few explanations, but I am so a “need a visual kinda girl”.
Thank goodness for summer time and I am pretty sure I should get 500 hours of professional development for all the pinteresting, book reading, blog stocking that I do. 😛
I am so excited to try this and I know if I am stoked about it my kids will be too! So here it is, my little tour of Class DOJO
While playing around I chose to add a behavior for one of our class rules.
When you notice a need set a goal with your class and add to the behaviors.
You can then reward students when they demonstrate this behavior.
I downloaded the app to my phone so that it will be easy to add points as I need to.
The reports are going to make report cards, goals setting and parent conferences much easier too.
I will be back with updates after it is all up and running!
Thank you for posting this! I've been doing a clip chart and have been wanting to switch over to Dojo. Can't wait to hear how it goes in your classroom!
So glad it was helpful. I promise to update you on how it's going. Thanks for visiting!